Some constructive criticism...
Well I didn't like it. But I'm at least gonna give you the common courtesy to tell you why and how to fix it.
1. study anatomy. While getting the human form down, simply having proper proportions will let you slide with bad drawings until you can get those linear lines down.
2. motion tweens are bad. while frame by frame can be hard and require a lot of skills (especially animating a human) doing one layer of tweens is bad. If you're going to use tweens, tween multiple parts and do some in frame by frame (such as the hands or head). This will give it a more natural feel.
3. style. I'm a major fan of anime, however the style you chose to portray falls in the category of yu-gi-oh, pokémon, roruni kenshin, etc...generally animes with really bad artists. If you wanna pull anime faces good references would be Neon Genesis Evangelion, Love Hina, Hellsing, or Cowboy Bebop. Now you may be in love with your style but here's why not to do it. the eyes and nose are in improper places and not setting in the face right. While the frame may work and get by, when it comes time to change angles you have to change the entire face since the parts are in the wrong place and wont look right. Also using photo references is a great idea. I recently attempted it and my art has improved ten fold. Anime still follows the rules of basic anatomy (well it should at least...) so attempt to cell shade an actual photo and you'll learn a lot.
4. clichés. Once again you've referenced bad anime for action sequences (it was DBZ-esque). While moving lines and pulled up dirt can give the illusion of intensity or motion, you need to focus more on cleaning it up. For a character heading in a direction make a marker. The pull lines from that mark in a radial pattern. Erase so that the lines only appear on the edges of the box and you'll get a nicely drawn still anime action technique. Also try not to dwell too long in these illusions, it becomes obvious when its just filling time. Trust me, we can all live with out another Matrix: Reloaded.